The Heart of Interdependent Origination

I. The twelve individual constituents of Interdependent Origination which were taught by the Sage are wholly included in three: afflictions, actions and suffering.

II. The first, eighth and ninth are afflictions, the second and tenth are actions, and the remaining seven are sufferings. Thus the twelve factors are included in three.

III. From the three, two originate; from the two, seven originate; and from these seven, in turn, the three originate. Thus the wheel of existence revolves again and again.

IV. The whole world is cause and effect; excluding this, there is no sentient being. From factors (which are) only empty, empty factors originate.

V. Through the examples of: oral instruction, a lamp, a mirror, a seal, a sun-crystal, a seed, sourness and sound, the wise should understand the non-transmigration as well as the re-emergence of the aggregates.

VI. Those who impute origination even in regard to very subtle entities, being unwise, have not seen the meaning of conditioned origination.

VII. Hence, there is nothing to be denied and nothing to be affirmed. See the real rightly, (for) one who sees the real is released.