What is meditation?

Meditation is a method for acquainting our mind with virtue.
The more familiar our mind is with virtue, the calmer and more peaceful it becomes. When our mind is peaceful we are free from worries and mental discomfort, and we experience true happiness.
If we train our mind to become peaceful we will be happy all the time, even in the most adverse conditions. But if our mind is not peaceful, even if we have the most pleasant external conditions we will not be happy. Therefore it is important to train our mind through meditation.
An ordinary person may consider meditation as a worship or prayer. But it is not so. Meditation means awareness. Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. "Watching your breath" is meditation; listening to the birds is meditation, that’s why we can see many different kinds of meditation. Such as Yoga Meditation, Zen Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Ceasing thoughts Meditation, Anapana (focus on breathing) Meditation, Vipassana ( Insight) Meditation, Metta (Loving-Kindness) Meditation, Karuna (Compassion) Meditation, Tea Meditation etc. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind, it is an effective Meditation.
Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation means a cessation of the thought process. It describes a state of consciousness while the mind is free of scattered thoughts and various patterns. The observer (one who is doing meditation) realizes that all the activities of the mind are reduced to one.
A Tibetan Lama was being monitored on a brain scan machine by a scientist wishing to test physiological functions during deep meditation. The scientist said - "Very good Sir. The machine shows that you are able to go very deep in brain relaxation, and that validates your meditation". "No", said the Lama, "This (pointing to his brain) validates the machine!".

We are not only learning about the knowledge of meditation but also need to practice it in our daily life so that we will truly understand the beneficial of meditation.

1. Stress relief
2. Increased mind strength
3. More energy and better sleep
4. Better circulation and complexion
5. Migraine and headache relief
6. Healthier Organs
7. Improved concentration and brain function
8. Feel inner peace and serenity
9. It lowers oxygen consumption
10. It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
11. Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients
12. Leads to a deeper level of relaxation
13. Good for people with high blood pressure as it brings the B.P. to normal.